Published on March 15, 2007 By DocX In WinCustomize Talk
Where is the Windowblinds forum??? I don't have hours to look though all this stuff. Work to hard. Using windowblinds I cant just click close and close a window in Photoshop CS3. Have to Control/W it. Using any skin... Also have to turn off Cursor XP or it just goes behind all the windows...

Really going down hill guys..

I don't want to hear the accuses from you kiss ups to stardock. Just someone with a answer.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 17, 2007
My comment does come off rude. I apologize, I was pisxed off when I wrote that and have felt bad about it ever since. I like stardock too.It just seems I run into more and more of these kinds of problems with things I really need to use and its agravateing.

P.S. I really don't think things are going down hill guys. I love your software.
on Mar 17, 2007
Thank you DocX is appreciated

It's My Secret
on Mar 17, 2007
Awww shucks DocX, we all have bad days, Apology accepted.  
on Mar 17, 2007
yeah, accepted, your a bit of alright
on Apr 25, 2007
I solved my problem by setting Object Dock to Always On Top and my Qlock on Desktop to no transparency.

Will see if it happens on other windows!

Hope this helps!
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